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May 9, 2023

098. The If-Then Mindest Trap feat. Alex Raymond @ Conscious Entrepreneur Summit

098. The If-Then Mindest Trap feat. Alex Raymond @ Conscious Entrepreneur Summit

"IF this thing happens, THEN I'll be happy."
How many times have you fallen into the If-Then Mindset trap?
What If-Then trap can you let go of right now?

About The Conscious Entrepreneur Summit
The Conscious Entrepreneur Summit is shaping up to be one of the top Founder/CEO events of the year. This is the only in-person event that is 100% dedicated to the well-being of entrepreneurs. Speakers include world-class executive coaches, best-selling authors, CEOs who are building world-changing companies. Details at https://consciousentrepreneur.us/ and make sure to use code SPRINGTIME for $150 off your ticket.

About SpringTime Ventures
SpringTime Ventures seeds high-growth startups in healthcare, fintech, logistics, and marketplace businesses. We look for founders with domain expertise, forging a path with a truly transformative technology. We only invest in software-based businesses in the USA. We bring a people-focused approach, work quickly, and reach conviction independently. Our initial check size is $600k. You can learn more about us and our approach.   

About Rich Maloy
Rich’s mission is to rebuild the American dream through entrepreneurship. He believes technology gives all people the opportunity to grow, learn and earn. He is a Managing Partner at SpringTime Ventures and the host of the VC Minute podcast. With prior careers in finance and sales, he's been focused on the startup ecosystem for over a dozen years. He's a father of two young children and loves sci-fi, skiing, and video games.  

Alex Raymond:

There's one trap that I've fallen into and I've seen a lot of other entrepreneurs fall into,and it's this mindset that's called the"If Then Mindset."What it basically means is,if such and such happens,then I'll be happy,then I'll feel fulfilled,then I'll feel successful.And when you fall into this trap of if-then thinking you spend all of your time and energy projecting way out into the future,into something you have no control over.Meaning,oh,as long as the stars align,and everything is perfect,and my market grows as I want it to,and we find product market fit,and we do this and this and this,then I'm finally gonna give myself the pat on the back I deserve.And that can be a really tough story to be telling yourself because every day you're waking up and there's a million things happening.There's stuff falling from the sky.You know,the stuff is hitting the fan,so to speak.It's really hard if all you're doing is focusing on some big picture item in the future,and only when that happens will you finally allow yourself to feel happy.So the reverse of this,to get out of the if-then mindset,is to really focus on and embrace the process of being an entrepreneur and not just the outcome.Fulfillment comes from what you're doing every day.It comes from the efforts that you're putting into your meetings and your teams,and building your products and doing everything that it takes to get this company off the ground.And if you can start to shift that orientation from this if-then mindset to say,Hey,I really am gonna fall in love with the process.I'm gonna fall in love with what it's like to be an entrepreneur.I'm gonna fall in love with the journey that I'm on.You're gonna find yourself more fulfilled,happier,and feeling better as you go about building the business of your dreams.

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Get you started on your fundraising journey. In true VC Minute fashion, all 50 episodes are less than 1 hr 30 min combined.