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Aug. 3, 2023

130. Setting Investors Up For Success

130. Setting Investors Up For Success

After you pitch an investor, they have to go back and pitch their team. Did you set them up for success in the first meeting?

About SpringTime Ventures
SpringTime Ventures seeds high-growth startups in healthcare, fintech, logistics, and marketplace businesses. We look for founders with domain expertise, forging a path with a truly transformative technology. We only invest in software-based businesses in the USA. We bring a people-focused approach, work quickly, and reach conviction independently. Our initial check size is $600k. You can learn more about us and our approach.   

About Rich Maloy
Rich’s mission is to rebuild the American dream through entrepreneurship. He believes technology gives all people the opportunity to grow, learn and earn. He is a Managing Partner at SpringTime Ventures and the host of the VC Minute podcast. With prior careers in finance and sales, he's been focused on the startup ecosystem for over a dozen years. He's a father of two young children and loves sci-fi, skiing, and video games.  


I've said many times that the deck gets the meeting. So if the job of the deck is to get the first meeting, what's the job of the first meeting? There are many purposes: ask questions, answer questions, build rapport, generate excitement. But there's one thing you're probably not thinking about: setting that investor up for success when they go back and present your startup to their team. Think about this, after you pitch me, I have to pitch my team. Not only do I have to be able to describe what you do and why you're the team to do it. But I also have to be able to field their questions. If I can't do all of that, you're not going anywhere in the process. You have to set that investor up for success with their team. Don't just talk at them for 30 minutes; be sure to answer their questions. Make sure that you clearly explain what the hell your business does and how the hell you make money. You'd be surprised how hard that is for some founders. Practice explaining this to your non-startup family and friends. When they can explain back to you what you do and how you make money, then you've got your pitch dialed in. Another critical element of setting that investor up for success is sending a follow-up email. This is the place for the extended deck. It's also an opportunity to double down on things you covered in the call. Send a relevant article about the market, customer feedback, bio's on the team, have a whole list of things that you can use as a follow-up and send one or two of those based on the conversation. What ultimately is the job of the first meeting? It's to get the second meeting.

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Get you started on your fundraising journey. In true VC Minute fashion, all 50 episodes are less than 1 hr 30 min combined.