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May 5, 2022

VC Minute Trailer

VC Minute Trailer

Founders, do you feel like you're fundraising on an uneven playing field? You are. 
The VC minute is here to help you level up.

Each episode is less than 2 minutes and is packed with fundraising advice.

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Founders,do you feel like you're fundraising on an uneven playing field?You are.The VC minute is here to help you level up.Venture capitalists navigate pitches and negotiate investments every day.They know the ins and outs and are up-to-date on the current funding environment.But as a founder,it may be your first foray into fundraising,and no matter how much success you've had in other areas nothing truly prepares you for the fundraising journey.The VC Minute was created to help founders close this gap.While it may seem like securing an investment at the seed stage is mostly driven by luck,there are steps founders can take to increase the odds of successfully raising a round.And that's what we're going to cover on the VC Minute through a series of short episodes.I'm going to share with you insights to help navigate the seed stage financing dynamics.I'm Rich Maloy,Managing Partner at SpringTime Ventures with25years business experience a dozen years in the startup ecosystem,I've applied my experience from sales,finance,and venture investing,to help startup founders fundraise better.

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Get you started on your fundraising journey. In true VC Minute fashion, all 50 episodes are less than 1 hr 30 min combined.